Women of Grace of Boca Raton Crown Mary

MarthaNicollo-May Crowning

May is one of the months that Catholics around the world celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in a special way.  Women of Grace® encourages this ancient tradition and many of our facilitators lead their study groups in a May Crowning ceremony.

The custom of the May crowning fell out of favor in many places during the 1970’s and ’80’s but in recent years has had a resurgence of interest with many parishes, schools and families celebrating the custom.

Mary Crowned 2Typically a May “altar” is set up in a central location.  If the devotion is taking place in the parish, a statue of Mary is situated to the side or in front of the main altar.  If in a home or classroom, the statue would be placed in a prominent, visible setting in the room.  A procession to the statue would include the singing of traditional hymns such as the “Hail Holy Queen,” “Immaculate Mary,”  or “Ave Maria” followed by special prayers and in some instances, the act of consecration to Jesus through Mary, another devotion that is promoted by Women of Grace.  Finally, at a joyful and climactic moment, a specially selected individual, often a child, places a crown of gold or flowers atop Mary’s head.

Over forty women gathered to crown Our Lady on May 2nd at their Women of Grace/Morning of Grace event at St. Joan of Arc in Boca Raton, Florida.  Regional Coordinator, Martha Nicolli shared with the women a teaching on St. Joseph and the Holy Family.  Marie Riba, graciously shared her gracimony (her personal testimony about the impact of the Women of Grace study in her life) and how Mary and her Son, Jesus, are very much alive in her life!   The intimate day of sharing and reflection ended with the group singing, “Hail Mary: Gentle Woman,” and the Holy Family prayer given to us by Pope Francis.  The next Women of Grace/Morning of Grace will be held on Saturday, June 6th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and the theme will be the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For more information on how you can bring Women of Grace® study program to your area, please email us at info@womenofgrace.com or call 1-800-558-5452.



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