Sister Lucia: Final Battle Will be the Family

familySpeaking to Tele Radio Padre Pio several years ago, Cardinal Carlo Caffara spoke about a letter he received from Fatima seer, Sister Lucia dos Santos, who told him the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about marriage and the family.

Rorate Caeli is reporting on the interview with Cardinal Caffara which took place on February 16, 2008. The cardinal was asked about the assignment given to him by John Paul II to establish the Pontifical Institute for the Studies on Marriage and the Family, which was when he received the prophecy from Sister Lucia.

“At the start of this work entrusted to me by the Servant of God John Paul II, I wrote to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her Bishop as I couldn’t do so directly,” the Cardinal explained.

“Unexplainably however, since I didn’t expect an answer, seeing that I had only asked for prayers, I received a very long letter with her signature – now in the Institute’s archives. In it we find written: the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, she added, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. And then she concluded: however, Our Lady has already crushed its head.”

The Cardinal went on to say that John Paul II also believed marriage and the family was the “crux” of the battle because it touches upon the very pillar of creation, which is the truth of the relationship between man and woman.

“If the founding pillar is touched the entire building collapses and we see this now, because we are at this point and we know it,” the Cardinal said.

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