“Chastity – the virtue that regulates one’s sexual thoughts, desires, and actions; primarily a natural virtue, chastity helps one to see the dignity of other persons as children of God and not as sexual objects.”
-Catholic Dictionary
For Reflection:
Chastity can be a difficult virtue to acquire. How does our current culture make it even more difficult? How have I personally experienced the difficulty? What am I willing to do about it?
Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
269 pgs PB
The deeper one delves into the New Age, the better Christianity begins to look. This was my own personal discovery after several years of research. What I learned from the “energy” healers, psychics, shamans, astrologers and Wiccans is what I knew all along–there really is a God and His name is Jesus Christ. New Agers, at least the hard-core variety, don’t want to hear this. They want to believe Jesus was only one of many prophets who came to Earth to teach us how to achieve a “higher state of consciousness.” But even a cursory review of His career reveals Jesus to be in a league all His own.