Purity, Prayer and Penance

gracelinesheader “It is in the theaters that thetheaters demon of impurity displays his pomps with greatest advantage. Nothing can be more opposed to the spirit of Christianity, which is a spirit of purity, prayer and penance.”

                           ~St. John Baptist de la Salle

For Reflection:
How do the theaters today pose a threat to impurity? To what extent do I experience temptation through movies, television, plays? How can they place unchaste thoughts into my mind and heart?

gracelinefeature B1696

Susan Brinkmann, OCDS 269 pgs  PB INTRODUCTION   PG 1-2

….simple logic tells us that if we can balance and manipulate this “energy”, then it’s something we ought to be able to measure, right?  Wrong.  We can’t measure it because we can’t find it.  As one renowned physicist once said, “the science that can measure the magnetic dipole moment of the electron…to one part in ten billion …surely should be able to detect any electromagnetic effects in the body powerful enough to move atoms around or do whatever happens in causing or curing disease.”  In other words, folks it’s just not there.

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