“As soon as you are tempted to impurity, endeavor to think of the Passion of the Savior of the world and make the following act: ‘My God is nailed to a cross, and shall I consent to these unlawful pleasures?’”
~St. Bernard
For Reflection:
To what extent do I meditate on the passion of Christ? How did His passion obtain for me the grace to resist temptation? Why, then is meditation on His passion a good safeguard to all temptation including the temptation to impurity? (See tomorrow’s GraceLine to see what specific aspect of Christ’s passion St. Augustine found effective in his fight against temptations of the flesh.)
Susan Brinkmann, OCDS 269 pgs PB
Hopefully, this book will help you develop the skills you need to safely navigate the New Age movement. If you’re using this as a study either in a group or individual setting, try to answer/discuss the answers at the end of each chapter to gauge how well you have absorbed the material. Be sure to apply the various tools provided in Discernment Tools
(see Appendix A), such as the 10 Question Test, which are designed to teach you to learn how to spot non-Christian elements that often lie hidden within these various New Age movements.