Living the High Life at Planned Parenthood

planned parenthood federation of america signA new report issued by a House oversight committee has revealed that Planned Parenthood, which dips into the public coffer for more than a half billion dollars a year, spends exorbitant amounts of money on executive salaries, travel, and lavish parties.

According to, the report was the subject of hearings earlier this week which were conducted by Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) of the House oversight committee.

During the hearings, Chaffetz publicly accused the abortion giant of spending too much money on non-health care expenses. In doing so, he and other members of the Committee questioned whether or not Planned Parenthood really needs all of the taxpayer funding they are currently receiving.

“If they’re going to pay those people that much money and pay for first-class travel and have all of these exorbitant parties, and send money overseas, then they don’t need funding from the American taxpayers,” Chaffetz told Fox News.

For instance, the reports states that Richards makes $520,000 as CEO of the organization while 40 other executives received $200,000 or more between the years of 2009 and 2013.

The report revealed that in just one year, Planned Parenthood spent $622,706 on “blowout parties” while its affiliates hosted lavish events such as the so-called “Gathering of Goddesses and Gods” event.

In addition, the company is spending nearly $14,000 a day on travel, much of it first-class or charter.

To keep it’s finger on the pulse of the nation’s politics, Planned Parenthood also granted $22 million over a five year period to its Action Fund which is legally permitted to conduct lobbying activity.

“Campaign finance records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show donations from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc. PAC, in turn, go almost exclusively to Democratic candidates,” Fox reports.

Other interesting findings by the investigation include:

• The organization spent more than $32 million outside the U.S. in the past five years, with most of the money listed with obscure labels such as “program services, reproductive health” or “grant” or “investment” which leaves this money virtually unaccountable.

• The organization also claims that abortion comprises just three percent of its business but the company’s records say otherwise. For instance, one affiliate received $3.7 million from family planning services vs. $1.4 million from abortions – which is 28 percent of their revenue. Planned Parenthood also claims to serve 2.7 million annually which means that if they performed 327,653 million abortions in 2014, this would be 12 percent of their business.

• From 2009 to 2013, Planned Parenthood’s cancer screening business declined more than 50 percent

The report concludes by stating that there are 20 federally-funded comprehensive care clinics for every one Planned Parenthood clinic. In addition, there are 1,200 federally qualified health centers operating in more than 9,000 sites around the U.S. where 22 million patients were served in 2013. This is over eight times the number of patients served by Planned Parenthood.

The U.S. congress is conducting investigations into the business practices of Planned Parenthood after a pro-life group videotaped executives and clinic workers engaging in the procurement and sale of fetal body parts.

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