Catholic Women Send Letter to Synod Fathers

dv1954052Women from all walks of life are signing on to a letter addressed to the Synod Fathers which affirms their support for Church teachings as being “a source of authentic freedom, equality, and happiness for women.”

The Letter to the Synod Fathers from Catholic Women, which was coordinated by the Catholic Women’s Forum of the Ethics and Public Policy Center of Washington, DC aims to bring the voice of Catholic women who support Church teaching on sexuality, marriage and family into the public square.

The letter’s author, Mary Rice Hassan, a Fellow at the Center, says the Catholic Women’s Forum is dedicated to promoting St. John Paul’s challenge to women to undertake the “great task . . . of assuring the moral dimension of culture . . . a culture worthy of the person. . .”

The letter cites this call, as well as that of Pope Francis who has publicly spoken about the need for women to be an “incisive presence” in the Church as well as an “effective presence” in the culture, workplace, and wherever “the most important decisions are taken” in harmony with women’s “preferential attention” for the family.

In anticipation of the Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, which will take place in Rome beginning October 4, the letter seeks to “express our love for Pope Francis, our fidelity to and gratitude for the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and our confidence in the Synod of Bishops as it strives to strengthen the Church’s evangelizing mission.”

Signees include leading Catholic women such as Helen Alvare, Mary Eberstadt, Mary Ellen Bork, Janet Smith Ph.D. and Pia de Solenni STL SThD, Marjorie Dannenfelser and Teresa Stanton Collett JD.

If you believe that today’s most pressing pastoral challenges can be met, in part, by communicating Church teaching more clearly, confidently, and compassionately – and that women should be prominent messengers of the truths contained in the Church’s teachings – then you need to sign here!

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