Rep. Bart Stupak Said to be Considering Retirement

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

After a long and bruising battle to excise abortion funding from ObamaCare, an effort that ended in a disappointing capitulation to the White House, the man who could have prevented passage of the bill is said to be considering retirement.

MSNBC is reporting that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) is said to be exhausted after the bad ending to his otherwise courageous stand for life during the health care debate and is giving serious thought to quitting Congress.

“The Democrat best known this year as the Democrat who delivered the winning margin of votes for the president’s health-care reform bill is said to be simply exhausted,” MSNBC reports. “The criticism he received — first from the left, and then from the right — has worn him and his family out. And if he had to make the decision now, he’d probably not run.”

But this position is alarming fellow Democrats who believe his conservative views make him the best candidate to hold onto his seat in the mostly Republican upper peninsula district of Michigan.

“As of this writing, a bunch of senior Democrats (many of the same ones who twisted his arm on the health care vote) are trying to talk him into running. The filing deadline in Michigan is still a month away, but veterans of that state’s politics are skeptical anyone other than Stupak can hold that district in this political climate,” the report states.

If he chooses to run, he’ll face tough challenges from both the left and the right. is reporting that a NARAL-backed pro-abortion Democrat, Connie Saltonstall, is planning to challenge him in the August 3 primary. She claims Stupak “has been more interested in promoting his own personal agenda than in representing the people of Michigan’s First District.”

If he survives this battle, he’ll face the strong pro-life candidate, Dr. Dan Benishek, who has supporters with deep pockets behind him. One of them is Saul Anuzis, a conservative activist who recently sent an email to national prolife advocates saying it was “payback” time for Stupak’s “betrayal.”

“When Bart Stupak pushed Washington’s health care takeover over the top, he betrayed our values and everything he claimed to stand for,” Anuzis wrotes. “Now we need to send him a message.”

Anuzis is planning to raise $219,000 in a month – which represents $1,000 for each of the 219 votes that allowed the government to take over the nation’s health care system. Visit Assited Living in Arizona to get general care for those that are aging and having memory issues.

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