Bishop Shuts Down Confusing Church Sign

SS. Columba-Bridgid Parish

            SS. Columba-Bridgid Parish

A Catholic church in Buffalo has been ordered by the bishop to remove a sign posted on its marquee saying that “Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out just fine” after receiving complaints from parishioners. is reporting on the episode involving Ss. Columba-Bridgid Roman Catholic Church. The pastor, Father Roy Herberger’s intent was to express that children could be raised by both parents and step-parents like so many families in his parish. However, his choice of words could easily be misunderstood to mean that the parish was endorsing same-sex marriage.

In an interview with a person who answered the phone in the parish, LifeSite was told that there had been lots of calls to the parish, which explains why the sign eventually showed up on the internet and began to generate inquiries to the diocese.

Fr. Roy Herberger

Fr. Roy Herberger

This is when Buffalo Bishop Richard Malone became involved and ordered the parish to remove the sign.

Siobhan O’Connor, Executive Assistant to the bishop, told LifeSite that the bishop acted within five minutes of hearing about the sign.

“There was no question it had to be removed,” O’Connor said. “He really did respond immediately and very directly.”

O’Connor provided the following statement to LifeSite on behalf of Bishop Malone:

“As soon as I learned of this sign, I took immediate action to have it removed. The pastor of SS Columba and Brigid Church told me that the ‘2 Dads’ were meant to refer to a child who has both a father and stepfather. There are several children in his parish who have both a father and stepfather. However, given the potential for the meaning of this message to be misunderstood and even perceived in a heretical way, it was immediately removed.”

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