Feast of St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor (D. 461)


“The word made flesh lived among us,ChristCrucified and in redeeming the whole race, Christ gave himself entirely.” 

                               ~St. Leo the Great



For Reflection:

Pope John Paul II says that love is an act of total self-donation. How do I see this definition of love lived out in God the Father? God the Son? God the Holy Spirit? The Blessed Virgin Mary? In myself?

gracelinefeature In Conversation with Godb1156
Vol 5 Ordinary Time: Wks 24-34
Click Here For More Information

77.1  Without sanctifying grace, all of our activity is worthless
….From the very beginning to the very end of our days everything has come to us as a gift from Our Father God. In the words of St Ambrose, You cannot think yourself greater than you are simply because you are a child of God. You ought to recognize the effect of grace, yes, but you cannot forget the lowliness of your nature.  Nor would I have you become vain simply because you fulfill your duty….Let us not forget that it is only because of God’s generosity that we have been elevated to the dignity of sons of God…We have in no way earned such a status or such a title….Divine grace is what enables us to work for Christ. Our natural powers are wholly inadequate to the challenges of the supernatural struggle.


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