Join the One Million Rosary Campaign!

rosary in handCardinal Raymond Burke has inaugurated a national Rosary Campaign called “Operation Storm Heaven” which seeks to enlist one million souls to pray the Rosary on the first day of every month to combat the rapid spread of evil throughout the world.

Operation Storm Heaven is an initiative of Catholic Action for Faith and Family and will be conducted under the guidance of Cardinal Burke. The specific intentions of the Rosary crusade are for Light of Truth to shine clearly in the Church, for peace to reign in the hearts of the Faithful and for the private intentions of those who participate in the campaign by praying the Rosary in solidarity with other participants around the world.

“The campaign is a response to so much evil present in the world that is challenging the faith of many people and leaving them discouraged,” stated Thomas McKenna, president of Catholic Action for Faith and Family and director of the campaign.

“Politics alone and the rhetoric of men and women cannot solve the moral crisis facing America and the world. Above all we need Divine assistance,” McKenna continued. “What better way to defeat the evils of abortion, euthanasia, murder, homosexual marriage, terrorism and so many other evils in our world than by uniting a spiritual army across many continents, ‘Rosary Warriors,’ to besiege Heaven with prayer?” said McKenna.

In a message to supporters, Cardinal Burke wrote: “The first temptation Satan uses to break us down is discouragement. This temptation is only an illusion, for Christ alive within us always gives us courage, even in the most trying of times. In such times, as today, we must pray more than ever, especially in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and all throughout the day. Be courageous, my beloved brothers and sisters! Stand fast with sure Hope! Let us together, storm Heaven with steadfast prayer, through Operation Storm Heaven…”

On the first day of each month Cardinal Burke will join the campaign members in spirit by celebrating a Mass and praying a Rosary for the designated intentions. Members of the hierarchy and clergy are also encouraged to join and pledge their Mass intentions and rosaries.

“We are so very blessed to have Cardinal Burke lead us in this critical effort which will be needed for years to come,” said McKenna. “I am so overwhelmed and grateful by the response to this new campaign.”

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