Day By Day


“By being close to Christ in the sacraments2nd Corinthians 4_16 and in prayer, we can fulfill our great feminine vocation: to live out our love for others day by day in faithfulness.”

                                          ~Ronda Chervin


For Reflection:

To what extent has a life of prayer and reception of the sacraments impacted on my feminine vocation? In what one way can I seek to improve my faithfulness?




Experience Grace in Abundance: Ten Strategies for Your Spiritual Life
NEW! by Johnnette Benkovic
Pb 304 pages
Click Here For More Information:

From the host of EWTN’s Women of Grace comes this insightful and faith-filled guide to help you fulfill your fundamental vocation in life: to grow in holiness and to be conformed to the image of God. Johnnette Benkovic has spent decades leading souls to a profound experience of God’s grace. Now she offers you step-by-step guidance for deepening your own understanding of the spiritual principles that mark the interior life, as well as practical ways of implementing them in your daily activities.

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