Alabama Legislature Honors Mother Angelica

AL House logoA resolution passed by unanimous vote in the Alabama state legislature yesterday honors the legacy of Mother Angelica who founded the largest religious media network in the world in Irondale, Alabama 35 years ago.

According to EWTN, Resolution HR204 was introduced yesterday in the Alabama House of Representatives where it passed by unanimous vote. The resolution honors Mother Angelica’s work as a “renowned Roman Catholic Evangelist” in the establishment of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and states that while the members are saddened by her death on March 27 at 92 years of age, they “uplift her inspiring legacy with utmost reverence and respect.”

The resolution, read by Representative Randall Shedd, detailed Mother Angelica’s history and acknowledged how her work “reached millions of lives for the Lord” through EWTN.

“ . . . [T]he world grieves a truly one-of-a-kind Roman Catholic Evangelist who left a powerful legacy with her extraordinary, far-reaching work for the Lord and iconic personality in the loss of Mother Mary Angelica,” the Resolution reads. “Although her presence is greatly missed, her memory is cherished in the hearts and minds of all those who were fortunate enough to know her.”

It concludes: “Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Alabama, that while grieving the death of Mother Mary Angelica, we are extremely grateful for her abundant life, and we offer this resolution in highest tribute to her indelible legacy, as well as in heartfelt sympathy to her loved ones.”

Members then voted on the Resolution, which was followed by a moment of silence in memory of Mother Angelica.

Members of EWTN were in attendance, including Michelle Johnson, director of Communications for EWTN, as well as representatives from the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama, where Mother Angelica lived and died, including the Mayor of Hanceville, Kenneth Nail.

When she first founded this Catholic ministry 35 years ago – in the heart of the Bible belt – Mother Angelica probably never imagined that she would one day receive such a high honor from the leaders of the state. This is just another reminder of what God can do with those who are not afraid to say “Yes!” to His will!

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