Parents Outraged by Graphic Sex Ed Program

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Parents of students at an Iowa high school are expressing outrage over a graphic sex ed program produced by Planned Parenthood that was shown to their children.

Fox News is reporting that the parents of students in a high school in Shenandoah, Iowa, were furious to learn that their children were shown a sex ed program that gave graphic descriptions of how to perform female exams and used an anatomically correct 3D model of a male sex organ to explain how to use a condom. Even more upsetting was the instructor simulating sexual acts using stuffed animals that were designed to resemble STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

“It was horribly inappropriate,” Colleen Dostal, the parent of a 14 year-old student, told Fox News Radio. “To do that in a mixed-gender classroom, — I truly believe it was inappropriate.”

Dostal’s son was one of a handful of eighth graders in the class at the time of the presentation and she says she would have pulled him out of the class had she known the program was being presented.

When parents took the issue to the school superintendent, Dick Profit, he said he received an equal number of calls is supporting or opposing the presentation.

“It’s a political hot potato; it’s a religious hot potato; it’s a parental hot potato,” he told the World Herald. “It’s all of these things that cause a crack in the system between society, parents and schools, and we’re still required to do it.”

Planned Parenthood’s Jennifer Horner defended the class and said parents were misrepresenting some fo the material in the class.

“My role is to provide information on topics relating to human sexuality such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), teaching about contraception – we also do healthy relationships, reproductive anatomy, just a wide range of topics related to human sexuality,” she told the Herald. “We are not trying to keep any of this a secret. All information we use is medically accurate and science based.”

While the school district has no intention of dropping the controversial program, Superintendent Profit has promised to give parents and guardians advance warning about the class in the future.

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