Aborted Baby Now Communicates Through Family Dog?

Think you’ve heard everything? Well, think again! Actress Megan Fox, who claims to have psychic abilities (but says she’s not a psychic) told comedian Chelsea Handler that the spirit of Handler’s aborted child was communicating to her through her beloved dog.

The Daily Mail is reporting on the bizarre revelation which took place on an episode of Handler’s Netflix talk show, Chelsea, which featured guest star Megan Fox (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

Fox began her unexpected “reading” by commenting on Handler’s dog who just ate a cheaper raw food dogs, Chunk, who was sleeping on the set at the time.

“I do feel like the dog was chosen for you by a family member that’s crossed over that communicates to you through the dog, that helps the dog nurture you at times when you are suffering. The dog can sense that,’ Fox said.

“There’s a soul that’s around you and around your dog that was a child that was conceived at some point that’s yours. That’s over there with your mother and they do sort of watch over you through the dog,” Fox said and stressed that she’s not a psychic. “That’s specifically what I did get. There is a child spirit.”

Fox then reassured Handler that she should never feel like she made a mistake or a bad choice. “Because that karma will always be settled in the future either in this lifetime or the next lifetime.” (Wait, doesn’t Karma sometimes enact revenge?)

If Handler was shocked, she didn’t show it and instead turned the conversation into a joke. “I didn’t feel like that ever until you came on here and told me that my baby is running around watching me with my dog,” she quipped and the audience laughed.

This isn’t the first time Fox got weird on a television appearance. The pregnant star recently told Jimmy Kimmel that her unborn baby communicates with her and even prompted her to move.

“You don’t hear an audible voice, but I feel like you get messages from the child if you’re open to it,” Megan told Kimmel during the show.

“Like, for instance, this baby wanted me to live someplace else, so we’re moving to a whole different place in Los Angeles because I feel like that’s where this baby wants to be raised.”

She also feels like “this baby is telling me it’s kind of like a Wernher von Braun or an Elon Musk, like a super genius,” she told Kimmel.

Fox claims that her husband, Brian Austin Green, with whom she has two other children, supports her psychic abilities.

“He trusts me at this point because I’ve made so many good calls,” Fox explained. “I know it sounds crazy, like I’m a lunatic, but I’ve made some really good decisions based on what I think the higher self is telling me to do. So, now he just goes along with it.”

Ah! So it’s the “higher self” who is giving her the inside scoop. Wonder who that is? 

Fox ought to stick to acting and stay away from this dangerous psychic “side show” – or at least keep these bizarre communications to herself.

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