Witches Stage “Mass Hexing” of Stanford Rapist

Brock Turner

Brock Turner

In a perfect example of how NOT to react to unjust verdicts, a group of witches assembled more than 1,000 people to put a “mass hex” on the Stanford swimmer who was given a light sentence for raping a fellow student.

WCMH is reporting on the mass hexing of Stanford’s Brock Turner, 20, who sentenced last week to six months in jail and three years’ probation for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. The light sentencing, handed down by Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky, sparked immediate outrage across the nation.

Even more galling was a letter written by Turner’s father complaining that incarceration was too steep a price for his son to pay for “20 minutes of action.”

In response to these outrages, witches from all over the country took place in the mass hexing on Tuesday night. The group’s Facebook page instructed participants to gather at their home altars along with “a solid black candle, his photo, a black string, and a spell I will share on Facebook.”

The spell began with “Brock Allen Turner we hex you” and declared that he would now be impotent, “will know the constant pain of pine needles in your guts,” suffer nightmares and be unable to gain any nutrition from food.

The spell ends with: “My witchcraft is strong. Our witchcraft is powerful. The spell will work. So Mote it be.” (Mote is a ritual word used by Freemasons which means “so be it.”)

While we can all sympathize with rape victims whose attackers escape justice, it makes no sense to call upon Satan’s power to enact “justice”.  Satan is, after all, the cause of the problem, not the solution!

If we really want to change the world for the better, what these men need is a conversion of heart so that they will not only realize the wrong they are committing but come to understand the essential nature of woman and how critical is her contribution to the peace and health of the world. Only then will they come to respect and honor her for who she truly is – a daughter of God who was created in His image.

Therefore, let us pray for Brock Turner – and all men like him – that they will be set free from all that drives them to these despicable crimes.


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