Parenting 101


“Fathers and mothers owe four thingsParenting 1 to their children: maintenance, instruction, correction, and good example.” 

           ~St. John Baptist de la Salle





For Reflection:

To what extent is my “parental bank account” in the black or in the red according to St. John Baptist de la Salle? Where might I be coming up short?



The Pornography Epidemic, A Catholic Approach
by Peter Kleponis, Ph.D
PB 96 Pages
Click Here For More
Information:                          Introduction
Fortunately, there is hope. We can protect ourselves and our families from the harmful effects of pornography. Those who have a pornography problem or addiction can find help and recover. However, it starts by educating ourselves about the truth of pornography and its effects. In this booklet, I set out to do just that. I will define pornography and present current research to help you understand the scope of the problem. I will discuss how pornography affects men, women, marriages, children, teens, and young adults. Facts about the addictive nature of pornography will be presented.

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