Pope: Be Christians-on-a-Mission

teens prayingPope Francis is challenging the faithful to respond to their baptismal vocation to be missionaries of Christ regardless of age or state in life.

Vatican Radio is reporting on comments made during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square yesterday in which the pope spoke about the importance of being a Christian-on-a-mission in today’s world, ready at all times to serve as an Ambassador of Christ.

“What is the spirit with which the disciple of Jesus will carry out this mission?” Pope Francis asked. “First of all: the Christian must be aware of the difficult and sometimes hostile reality that awaits him; Jesus minces no words on that; in fact, Jesus says, ‘I am sending you like lambs among wolves’.”

He continued: “Hostility is always at the beginning of the persecution of Christians, because Jesus knows that the mission is opposed by the work of the Evil One. Thus the worker of the Gospel will strive to be free from human influences of every kind: carrying neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes – as recommended by Jesus – relying solely on the power of the Cross of Christ.”

For today’s Christian, “This means giving up all personal reason to boast, putting off every temptation of careerism or hunger for power: it means being humble instruments of the salvation worked by Jesus’ own sacrifice.”

It might sound difficult, but with the grace of God, not only is it doable, but it comes with hidden perks.

“When we do this,” the pope said, “[our] heart is filled with joy.”

In fact, he said, the whole Church rejoices when the Good News is spread by dedicated men and women who daily proclaim the Gospel, including priests, nuns, consecrated persons, missionary men and women as well as the laity.

“And I wonder,” he added, “[how many of you] hear the invitation – how many of you young people who now are present in the square today, hear and heed the Lord’s call to follow him?”

“Be not afraid!” he concluded. “Be brave and bring to others this torch of apostolic zeal that has been left by [so many] exemplary disciples.”

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