Women’s Health Jeopardized by SCOTUS Ruling

200352787-001Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Just days after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down portions of a Texas law aimed at improving safety measures in the state’s abortion clinics, pro-abortion groups are taking aim at dozens of similar state laws even as ambulances continue to pull up to Planned Parenthood clinics to help injured women.

LifeNews.com is reporting on the 60th time since 2009 that paramedics were called to the St. Louis Planned Parenthood clinic to remove an injured patient. The incident, which occurred on July 2, is the perfect illustration of why the kind of common sense safety laws struck down by the high court in the Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt case are so vital for women’s safety.

Like Texas, the state of Missouri requires hospital privileges for abortionists that must be maintained within 30 miles of their abortion facility just for this purpose – to provide women with emergency help in the event of a problem during an abortion. It also protects them against the many substandard abortionists who are operating on women across the country who do not qualify for hospital privileges.

“The situation is Missouri is bad enough without stripping away one of the only safety measures in place to protect women. If you don’t think they need protecting from quack abortionists, you have never heard of Kermit Gosnell, Steven Brigham, James Pendergraft, or any number of currently practicing abortionists that have no concept of medical or ethical standards,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

Operation Rescue filed a lawsuit in which the St. Louis Fire Department was compelled to release a list of 58 medical emergencies that had occurred at the Planned Parenthood facility from January 1, 2009 through April 6, 2016. A 59th emergency occurred on May 13 at the same facility, with the 60th taking place on Saturday, the clinic’s busiest day for abortions.

During the latest emergency, clinic workers and an armed security guard attempted to conceal the incident by holding up tarps while the woman was being loaded into the ambulance.

“In the current rush to abandon safety regulations in response to the Supreme Court decision, we should remember that abortion facilities in America remain under-regulated with little or no accountability, even to regulators, legislators, and law enforcement,” said Newman. “When abortion businesses operate without regulatory oversight, women suffer, women die, and babies die. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court drank the Planned Parenthood Kool-Aid, and now, tragically, we can expect to see many more injuries inflicted by arrogant abortionists who hold themselves above the law.”

In spite of this very serious – and grossly underreported – situation, lawyers for pro-abortion groups across the country are eagerly gearing up for a major assault on clinic safety measures passed by dozens of states which they claim restrict women’s access to abortion.

As The Hill reports, Planned Parenthood announced last week that it would actively lobby in eight states with laws similar to those struck down in Texas to have those laws repealed. It also promised “many more states will follow in the coming weeks.”

Groups are planning to push for legislatures to repeal the laws on their own, which would be much cheaper for Planned Parenthood, but if that fails, they’re prepared to spend whatever it takes on legal action.

The Center for Reproductive Rights, the group behind the most recent Texas case, already filed a lawsuit against all seven abortion laws passed in Louisiana this year.

Janet Crepps, senior counsel for that group, said the ruling was “an important, literally once-in-a-generation opinion” that will have a ripple effect over several years.

“Now that we have this clearer standard and protection, I think there is an opportunity to go back and take a look at what the states have on the books,” Crepps told The Hill.

Because of misleading spin by abortion providers and the collusion of the major media, most women remain unaware that abortion clinics in the U.S. are not required to meet the same standards as surgical centers. Any attempt to improve safety standards was branded by abortion advocates as an attempt to limit access to abortion – a disingenuous argument the press was only too happy to trumpet.

Although the passage of safety measures was beginning to improve clinic health standards, the abortion industry and their allies on the Supreme Court have taken a huge step backward in women’s health.

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