Tell the White House “No!” on New Bathroom Laws

6276693 - row of new public bathroom stallsA stay-at-home mom and former White House staffer from Virginia is calling upon all concerned Americans to take a stand against new transgender bathroom rules by inundating the White House comment line tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Bethany Kozma of Fairfax County, Virginia posted a powerful commentary on the Daily Signal in which she’s calling upon all Americans to make their voice heard about how the government is bullying schools into opening bathrooms to students according to their “gender identity” rather than their biological gender.

“I have jumped back into the world of politics and policy far earlier than I expected to because President Barack Obama’s school bathroom mandate is endangering the safety, security, and privacy of my children and yours,” Kozma writes. “I cannot remain silent.”

Kozma, the mother of three young children, began calling her federal, state, and local representatives to see where they stood on the issue and to urge them to fight against Obama’s edict. She even met with my daughter’s vice principal to express concern.

“But what I found dismayed me,” she writes. “People were being bullied into silence by the threats from the federal government and LGBT activists. And I was saddened by how few people in the general public really knew what was really going on today in our nation’s schools.”

The controversy reached a new level of seriousness when the government sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to schools threatening to withhold funds if they did not allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. This kind of blatant governmental overreach sparked a lawsuit which has now been joined by 23 states whose attorneys general are fighting against these attempts at bully school administrators to participate in the government’s latest social engineering project. Even churches are seeking ways to protect their buildings from similar governmental intrusion.

“Therefore, because the national edict was approved by the White House, it can be stopped by the White House, so I knew that our outcry had to start there. My plan of response is simple. On Tuesday, July 12 at 1:00 p.m. EST, I and legions of others will inundate the White House comment line to respectfully say ‘NO’ to Obama’s bathroom policies. And we will do so in numbers that will certainly get the White House’s attention,” Kozma writes.

But it’s not going to stop there.

“We will actively engage state and local government lawmakers and officials to inform and persuade them that they shouldn’t give in to the Obama administration’s threats to withhold educational funding from our children. The safety of bathrooms and other intimate facilities must be protected from predators seeking any vulnerability to commit heinous criminal acts.”

Kozma specifically states that she is not against transgender persons; her concerns lie with those who will abuse these new policies to prey upon women and children.

“Some might consider me just a mom, but it’s a title I wear with pride: I believe it’s the most important job I will ever have,” she says.

The time has come for parents, concerned citizens, and other defenders of freedom to band together to ensure the safety, security, and privacy of our children.

Click here at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow to let your “No!” be heard!

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