“…when night comes, and retrospect shows that everything was patchwork and much that one had planned left undone, when so many things rouse shame and regret, then take all as is, lay it in God’s hands, and offer it up to Him. In this way we will be able to rest in Him, actually to rest and to begin the new day like a new life.”
~St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
For Reflection:
Ah, thank you St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross! What now may I “lay at God’s hands and offer up to Him,” that I might “rest and begin the new day like a new life?”
Sexuality and Authority in the Catholic Church
Monica Miller PB 286 pgs
Click Here For More Information: INTRODUCTION
Feminist theology has detrimental effects upon the Catholic priesthood and Catholic Eucharistic worship. Insofar as feminist theology is rooted in a pessimism about the revelation of God and history, it is ultimately destructive of the Good Creation that is intrinsically bound to the order of redemption where man and woman speak the truth of God’s unity with the world.