Study: Women Who Miscarry Should Try Again Within Six Months

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

New research from doctors in Scotland found that women who get pregnant within six months of a miscarriage have a higher percentage of healthy births than women who wait.

Fox News is reporting that the study, conducted by the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, followed 31,000 women who went to the hospital for a miscarriage in their first pregnancy who became pregnant again. Among women who got pregnant within six months, 85 percent had a healthy baby compared to only 73 percent for women who waited more than two years to get pregnant again.

“It’s unnecessary for women to wait to conceive again after a miscarriage,’’ said Sohinee Bhattacharya, a lecturer in obstetric epidemiology at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, one of the paper’s authors.

Bhattacharya went on to say that current guidelines from the World Health Organization, which commend women delay getting pregnant for at least six months after a miscarriage, should be changed.

Current guidelines were based on a study from Latin America where women normally have children at an earlier age, she explained. However, women in developed countries often wait until they are older to have children, and because women over 35 are more likely to have problems getting pregnant, women who delay getting pregnant after a miscarriage reduce their chances of having a healthy baby.

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