Cosmopolitan’s Failed Attempt to Promote Chemical Abortion

34945165 - sad woman.Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

One of the nation’s leading women’s magazines recently published an article extolling the virtues of chemical abortion by interviewing three women who claimed their abortions were “easy,” even though all of them revealed hints of a darker side to the story. is reporting on the article dated October 3 in which three women describe what it was like to abort their unborn child by using RU-486, the controversial abortion drug that is linked to at least 14 deaths in the U.S. and dozens more worldwide.

Naturally, the publication did not feature interviews with any woman who had a negative experience, of which there are legions.

The first of the three women interviewed was a 20 year-old college student who was struggling with anxiety and depression and who was not “completely happy” with the boyfriend who got her pregnant. She took the abortion drugs at an abortion facility and went home to wait for the dead baby to pass.

“I went to the loo and passed the fetus,” she said. “It wasn’t distinguishable as a fetus, but more like gray tissue. I knew what it was immediately but I felt relief, nothing else. I sat and looked at it on the [toilet paper] for a minute or so, just sort of to get closure, then it was gone. After that, the pain subsided quite a lot, and I was able to clean up and go back to sleep.”

Even after admitting that she needed some kind of “closure” after killing the child, she later said how glad she was that she had gone through with the abortion because she was no longer with her boyfriend and her mental health hadn’t improved.

Big surprise. Abortion is not exactly known as a panacea for depression.

She goes on to say that she will “never ever regret it”, but her ex-boyfriend sure did. Even though she was no longer with him, he urged her to keep the child and “resented” her when she had the abortion.

We can hardly call this a happy ending when only one of the three people involved in the incident claims to be “relieved” while the other two are either resentful or dead.

The next woman was a 39 year-old married mother of two children whose birth control failed. She and her husband decided they didn’t have the “time, energy or money” to handle another child so she quickly opted for the abortion pill.

ru486-pill“If I’d been far enough along to need a surgical abortion, I don’t think I would have done it,” the 39-year-old woman said. “I would probably think of the pregnancy more as a baby. Since I already have two children, I have gone through pregnancy before and always thought of the fetus as ‘the baby.’”

Although she claims this time was different because it was so early in the pregnancy, we can only wonder why she felt compelled to mention this in the first place. Perhaps she’s still trying to convince herself that the baby she aborted wasn’t really a baby yet?

The woman went on to describe the pain from the procedure as being similar to that of a “bad period” even though many women have described much worse, such as the women in this article who experienced excruciating pain, nausea, dizziness, and the passing of “lemon-sized” blood clots – all of whom were told this was “normal.”

The saddest of the three interviews was that of a 27 year-old married woman with no children who decided to abort because of financial instability. She described her emotions upon learning she was pregnant as “scared, horrified, excited, happy, sad.”

“Although I agonized over it up until the moment before I took the pills, I knew I couldn’t carry to term,” she told Cosmo. “If I’d had one thing set up, like a job, or my degree completed, I would have carried to term. It was an easy decision insofar that I knew it had to be made. But it gutted both me and my husband emotionally.”

She insisted on seeing an ultrasound image before taking the pills and admitted, “I saw my little bean . . . and I was in love. I have the picture and I’ll keep it until the day I die,” she said.

She also confessed that her mother wanted her to keep the child after having had abortions herself which she lived to regret, but the young woman went ahead with the abortion anyway.

This is hardly the testimony of someone who is feeling good about having an abortion, nor does it bode well for any woman who thinks she’ll just swallow the pills, abort her baby, and forget about it.

Obviously, the magazine was trying to promote chemical abortion, but none of the women they chose to interview sounded like they were very happy with their choice. Even the 20 year-old who made it a point to say she would “never ever regret it” makes us wonder why she mentioned that in the first place. Perhaps because she was already feeling some qualms of regret?

The bottom line is that women, by their very nature, are designed to bond with their unborn child and will do so, albeit in varying degrees, regardless of the dictates of political correctness.

Cosmopolitan may have wanted to promote chemical abortion, but the astute reader can see right through the rosy picture they were trying to paint and see a much darker reality just beneath the surface.

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