No Wagging Allowed

gracelinesheaderGuard your tongue when yourWords3 husband is angry.

~St. Monica

For Reflection:

What good practical wisdom! (See tomorrow’s Graceline to see why St. Monica’s advise is so wise.) I will do an examine to discover why “guarding” my tongue is so hard for me in these instances (pride, the need to be right, a lack of charity, impatience, unbridled anger on my part, undisciplined temper, lack of respect?) and practice the virtue opposite it to keep my tongue in check – and discuss the issue with him when he is calm.


In Conversation with God Vol 5 – b1156 Ordinary Time: Wks 24-34
Francis Fernandez-Carvajal
Click Here For More Information:

41.1 The one condition for forgiveness: that we forgive others. What our pardon should be like.
Let us examine our reaction when people ‘rub us the wrong way. To follow Christ in ordinary life is to find in the very area a royal road to serenity. We should take care to avoid even the most minute fault against charity. The small contradictions of social life should not detract from our happiness. If there comes a time when we have to forgive someone as the result of a serious offence, it is then we will do well to recall the behaviour of Jesus who asked pardon for those who crucified Him. We will thus savour the true love of God. Our heart will be enriched and expanded in its capacity to love. We cannot forget that nothing makes us more like unto God than to be ever ready to pardon others. Our generosity towards others will win for us the divine pardon.

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