Clinton Camp Aims to Destroy Christian Beliefs

John Podesta, Clinton Campaign Chairman

John Podesta, Clinton Campaign Chairman

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

All Christians of good will need to take a serious look at new emails revealed by Wikileaks which show that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and left-wing activist, John Podesta, along with the financial backing of George Soros, has been actively working to foment a “revolution” in the Catholic Church in order to bring her Bible-based teachings into line with their liberal agenda.

Lifezette is reporting on the alarming admissions made in the email thread which reveals Podesta and his associates outright plotting against the Church.

“There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church,” writes Sandy Newman, president and founder of the progressive nonprofit Voices for Progress, in an email to Podesta.

Newman, who is Jewish, goes on to say that he can’t volunteer to subvert Catholic teachings because he doesn’t know enough about the Church. “Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would ‘plant the seeds of the revolution,’ or who would plant them,” he writes.

In response, Podesta assures Newman that he and his progressive friends are already at work infiltrating the Church with progressive ideology.

“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up,” Podesta writes.

This revelation was exposed even further in a new press release from Catholic League president Bill Donohue. 

dissident catholic groups“Both of these groups, Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United, were created by Podesta, and funded by Soros, for the express purpose of staging a revolt within the Catholic Church,” Donohue reports.

“Catholics in Alliance is known for sponsoring dissident Catholics, including priests, to give talks around the nation. Catholics United was the force behind a contrived effort by the IRS to go after me in 2008.

Although the IRS probe finally ended without penalities, that’s not the point, he says. “Their attempt to intimidate me was a monumental failure, but the fact that they tried is what counts.”

These new revelations come on the heels of other leaked correspondence which revealed disparaging comments made about Catholics by Podesta, Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s Director of Communications, and John Halpin, Sr. Fellow at the far-left Center for American Progress.

Although he stopped short of doing so yesterday, Donohue is now calling upon Hillary Clinton to fire Podesta.

“In light of the latest Wikileaks revelations, she [Hillary Clinton] has no choice but to cut all ties with this man. The man is hell bent on creating mutiny in the Catholic Church and must therefore be fired.”

Donohue is absolutely correct. Today’s revelations are considerably more serious and show a concerted effort by people close to Clinton to subvert not just the Church, but the biblical principles upon which it stands. This is a threat to all Christian denominations.

The upcoming election is taking place in an age when religious liberty is already under attack like never before. This is why we need to use our vote wisely and insure that people like this never find their way into positions of power in our government.

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