Feast of St. Isaac Jogues and John De Brebeuf, Priests and Martyrs Their Companions, Martyrs (D. 1648)


“For two days now I have experienced aSt IsaacJogues, JohnDeBrebeuf & companions great desire to be a martyr and to endure all the torments the martyrs suffered.” 

                       ~St. John De Brebeuf




For Reflection:

Read Psalm 37: 4; Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire. In light of this passage and the quote above, how does this help me to have confidence in what God’s will may be for me?

gracelinefeature In Conversation with God Vol 5 – b1156 Ordinary Time: Wks 24-34
Francis Fernandez-Carvajal
Click Here For More Information:
51.1 Our responsibility for the graces we have received.
A responsible Christian cannot allow his dedication to be diminished through a false sense of humility. While the believer is generally reassured by the knowledge of God’s almighty power, he may become unduly discouraged at the evidences of the weakness of human nature. Yet God will repeatedly grant the grace to make even defeat turn into victory. In sum, God will never give up on us. Among those around you, apostolic soul, you are the stone fallen into the lake. With your word and example produce a first ripple…and it will produce another…and then another…and another…each time wider. Now do you understand the greatness of your mission?

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