Feast of St. Paul of the Cross, Priest (1694 – 1775)


“It is very good and holy to consider theJesus seventh-word passion of our Lord and to meditate on it, for by this sacred path we reach union with God.”

                      ~St. Paul of the Cross


For Reflection:

As I consider the passion of Our Lord, what one aspect of it speaks most deeply to my heart? Today, meditate on it. What is the Lord saying to me through it? What is my response back to Him?

gracelinefeature In Conversation with God Vol 5 – b1156 Ordinary Time: Wks 24-34
Francis Fernandez-Carvajal
Click Here For More Information:
52.3 Holy Mass and the apostolate.
Let us resolve to centre our life upon the Holy mass. Then we will find peace and serenity throughout the course of the day. We will want to let our friends know about the treasure of this sacrament. If we attend Mass well, surely we are likely to think about our Lord during the rest of the day, wanting to be always in His presence, ready to learn to thank our Lord for His kindness in not limiting His presence to the time of the sacrifice of the altar. He has decided to stay with us in the Host which is reserved in the tabernacle...We will find in the Tabernacle the strength we need to do the Lord’s work. In union with many other Christians let us repeat the Lord’s cry: I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! This is the fire of divine love which will bring peace and joy to souls, to families and to society as a whole.

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