The City of Refuge


“Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, Mary, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides shelter and strength for the sinner.”

                                                                                          – St. Anthony of Padua  

For Reflection:

If Mary is the “city of refuge,” in what part of her would we experience most fully her love and beatitude? How has she been a city of refuge for you? What quality of her motherhood of all men does this express according to the quote? Note the use of the word “the” in the phrase, “Mary is the ‘city of refuge.’” What does this indicate to you? What does it indicate in light of Mary’s role in God’s plan of 


For Reflection: Watch the above video “Holy Mary, Mother of God,” Part 5 with Dr. Edward Sri.  What did this holy trip portend about Jesus, the Babe who sojourned in the womb of His mother? What did it portend about Mary and about Joseph, her earthly spouse? What other sacred signs might this moment contain? Journal your thoughts.  

This concludes the Women of Grace® online study, “Advent Journey with Mary.”  I pray that it aided you in receiving Jesus Christ anew at Christmas and that it nourished your love for Our Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of God. You will continue to receive our free Daily Gracelines reflections and updates from Women of Grace® including our next online study for Lent. 
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Yours in Christ,
Johnnette's Signature

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