Obama Administration Accused of Funding Birth Control in Philippines

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The executive secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Commission on Family and Life is accusing the U.S. of using foreign aid to pressure the government into providing a more aggressive birth control program.

EWTN News is reporting that Fr. Melvin Castro of the CBCP believes U.S. aid is behind a recent announcement made by Filipino President Benigno Aquino III that the government “might” give contraceptives to poor couples to control population growth.

“I’m certain that the U.S. government had a hand over Aquino’s abrupt decision to support population control,” Fr. Castro said.

He claims the president’s sudden support for “responsible parenthood” is linked to the $434 million grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation for Filipino social welfare programs. Calling this kind of international involvement “a form of colonization of morality,” he said countries such as the U.S. who engage in this kind of pressure “are imposing their morals on us, disrespecting our own principles and morality.”

He went on to say that if the Obama administration is sincere, it should give “selfless” aid with “no strings attached.”

The CBCP previously condemned the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other aid groups, accusing them of interfering in the affairs of the Philippines government. The accusations concern a controversial reproductive health bill under consideration in the Philippines at the preset time. The bill proposes mandatory sex education in primary and secondary schools along with the purchase of contraceptives by state hospitals.

Fr. Castro said these international agencies are key players in pressuring lawmakers to pass the reproductive health bill and are linking increased aid to its passage.

However, President Aquino, who is said to be a devout Catholic, told the press on Saturday that he is standing firm on his position that Filipino couples must be free to choose the way to manage their families but must exercise responsible parenthood.

“The state has an obligation to educate all of its citizens as to their choices. The state was not empowered by any law to dictate upon any couple how they should plan their family,” Mr. Aquino said.

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