Boy With Down Syndrome Rocks the Internet

dane millerA video of a young boy with Down syndrome belting out a Whitney Houston hit in the back seat of his parents’ car has gone racked up more than five million views.

Breitbart is reporting on nine year-old Dane Miller from Prosper, Texas who was sitting in the back seat of the car listening to Whitney Houston’s epic song, “If I Don’t Have You” when he began to belt out the hit with unabashed enthusiasm. Complete with hand gestures and adorable facial expressions, he sings at the top of his lungs while his father records the entire episode and then posts it on Facebook.

Within hours, it went viral, with hundreds of thousands – and then millions – of people watching it. As a result, Dane Miller went from just a boy from Texas to an internet sensation overnight.

The next thing the family knew, they were appearing on Inside Edition and explaining how their son became so enamored by Houston’s music.

“He’s been musical since around two years old,” said his mother, Danna Miller. “He’s been playing the drums. He sings. He loves music. He puts his whole heart into everything he does.”

One day last month, Dane’s older brother Dawson introduced him to the Houston hit after the family had watched a documentary on the star who died in 2012.

“He kept on playing it in the car and Dane has fallen in love with it. He has put his own touch on it.”

That “touch,” complete with a surprisingly good voice and dramatic hand and arm gestures, has garnered more than 16 million views on Facebook, a phenomenal number that puts him in competition with the original Whitney Houston hit!

In spite of the fame, Dane remains the lovable boy he has always been since the moment he was born.

“9 years ago God blessed us with this amazing child,” Danna posted on her Facebook page. “We are so humbled and honored that we were chosen to raise such a joyful and loving child. Here is just a little taste of what we experience every day. Enjoy!”

Check out more of Dane on his new YouTube channel, Amazing Dane!

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