Massachusetts High School Teachers Stage “Coming Out” Assembly

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A group of seven homosexual teachers at the Concord-Carlisle High School in Massachusetts led an afternoon assembly last month in which they described how they “came out” as homosexuals and how their lives improved as a result.

According to MassResistance, an organization that supports family values, the incident took place on October 21 and was organized by the school’s “gay-straight alliance” club as a way to deal with an uptick in the number of homosexual students committing suicide across the country.

To a standing-room-only crowd, the teachers told their experiences about being homosexual and encouraged teens to “come out” and publicly declare themselves to be “gay” or “transgendered”, calling it a “healthy growth experience”. The event was meant to portray homosexuality as positive, natural and irreversible, and to stigmatize those who criticize it as being dangerous and mentally ill.

Among the seven teachers who spoke was math teacher Peter Atlas. Atlas is a long-time homosexual activist, a personal friend and colleague of President Obama’s Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings who was a co-founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network).

“Ironically, Atlas began his talk by saying that all his college friends have died of AIDS,” MassResistance reports. “But he’s very glad he ‘came out,’ and he encourages kids to do it.”

During the presentation, several teachers described homophobia as an irrational fear and told them not to fear the “backwardness” of parents and relatives who may at first react negatively to the news of their homosexuality, because they’ll eventually come to accept them.

One parent who found out about the assembly was outraged, saying it paid no attention to Atlas’ comment about AIDS or the fact that 70 percent of HIV/AIDS cases are homosexual men. She personally knows of one member of the homosexual club that sponsored the event to have met an early death from a homosexual-related illness and said she was shocked that the health teacher who “came out” neglected to tell the students of the many physical risks associated with homosexual activity.

Even though schools are not allowed to give an aspirin to students without parental consent, she said, administrators refuse to tell parents about homosexual behaviors that could be life-threatening.

“Unfortunately, many parents and taxpayers still don’t understand and appreciate the militant push in the public schools to normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, and related behaviors in the minds of vulnerable and impressionable kids,” MassResistance reports, which is why gay activists fight so hard against parental rights legislation.

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