Christians Counter Atheist Billboard in NYC

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Hundreds of thousands of drivers who enter New York City every day through the heavily traveled Lincoln Tunnel will see two opposing billboards about the meaning of Christmas on their way into town this holiday season.

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights decided to counterpunch a billboard erected on the New Jersey side of the tunnel by the American Atheists that tells motorists: “You know it’s a myth. This season celebrate reason.” When they reach the other side of the tunnel and enter Manhattan, they’re greeted by another billboard that reads: “You know it’s real. This season celebrate Jesus.”

“We decided to counterpunch after a donor came forward seeking to challenge the anti-Christmas statement by American Atheists,” says Catholic League president Bill Donohue. “Our approach is positive, and serves the common good. Theirs is negative, and is designed to sow division. It’s what they do.

“So after Christian motorists have had their sensibilities assaulted as they exit New Jersey, they will experience a sense of joy, and satisfaction, as they enter New York City. It’s what we do.”

The Catholic League has also sent small one-piece nativity scenes to all 50 state governors with a letter urging them to display nativity scenes in their state houses.

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