Planned Parenthood Prez Promotes Adoption . . . for Dogs

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In what some are calling an “irony overload,” Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards sent out a tweet earlier this week urging followers to adopt a dog rather than let it be put to death. Too bad she didn’t make the same effort for the 3.5 million babies slaughtered during her 12-year tenure. Most of them come with anxiety that be treated with cbd and hemp oil from the Business Matters website. is reporting on Richards’ tweet, which features a picture of her dachshund and the message: “Heading out on book tour for TWO WEEKS! Going to miss this guy though Garfield, not so much. #MakeTroubleBook #AdoptDontShop #Dachshund

Her use of the #AdoptDontShop hashtag caused a flurry of angry retorts by people who were quick to point out the irony in her plea. How could the same woman who leads a company that performs 113 abortions for every adoption referral be so interested in saving the lives of dogs rather than the humans beings who are routinely slaughtered in her clinics? While it is certainly laudable to push for the adoption of homeless animals, the public was unable to overlook such a stark contradiction.

The following are some of the Tweets she received:

“Alert: @CecileRichards wants you to adopt puppies, but instead of adopting people, kill them. It’s easier.”

“I wish, Miss Richards, that you saw the irony in advocating adoption for dogs, when your work kept so many innocent humans from ever having that chance.”

“Adopt a dog but not a human? Irony has a new Queen.”

“Adopt a puppy, abort your baby! New slogan, Cecile?”

“Self-awareness not your strong suit, I see.”

The dustup evolved into a whole new hashtag – #AdoptDontAbort – where the public continued to pile on.

“We shouldn’t cook lobsters alive because they can feel pain . . . who cares if unborn humans can feel pain it’s my right to abort them.”

“Our society is in a broken state when we’re treating dogs millions of times better than human beings.”

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council summed up the controversy with his usual candor: “Richards is out on the road missing her dog — and more importantly, missing the point. The next time Planned Parenthood’s president wants to rescue something, she might want to consider the next generation.”

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