Woman’s Botched Abortion Death is Why Ireland Needs Abortion Ban

Just as the country of Ireland is preparing to vote on repealing its’ abortion ban, an autopsy report on the senseless death of a 32-year-old Irish woman who died after a botched abortion in a UK clinic should give the nation a stark reality check about the so-called “safety” of today’s legal abortion clinics.

The Catholic Herald is reporting on the death of Aisha Chithira, 32, who suffered catastrophic internal bleeding and died after a late-term abortion procedure on January 21, 2012 at a Marie Stopes clinic in Ealing, UK.

According to the newly released coroner’s report, clinic staff displayed “repeated failures” in discharging Chithira despite her vomiting, feeling dizzy, and falling to the floor. Staff would not let her stay the night and instead helped her into a taxi.

The nurses denied pressuring her to leave so they could go home.

Chithira later died of internal bleeding.

Two of the nurses were initially charged with manslaughter but those charges were dropped in 2016.

According to the coronor, Dr. Sean Cummings, Chithira died as a result of “the manifestation of a recognized complication of the procedure resulting in sometimes subtle and atypical symptoms and signs which were not appreciated as potentially sinister at the time.”

He added: “There were repeated failures of recording of observations by different clinicians involved in her care.”

Marie Stopes clinics have been plagued with serious problems. According to the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), a recent report by the Care Quality Commission found major safety flaws at the organization’s clinics, with more than 2,600 serious incidents reported in 2015. The seriousness of these problems forced the clinics to suspend services for underage girls and vulnerable women.

A surprise inspection in February 2017 uncovered a new list of problems and failings.

“The new inspection found that 11 women needed emergency transfers to hospital between October and December 2016. One needed surgery to repair her cervix, two received blood transfusions and another had a bacterial infection,” the SPUC reports.

In another two-month period, 373 women had to have follow up treatment following failed abortions.

“Other serious failings include the discovery of an unregistered nurse working at the Brixton clinic, consent being obtained from a patient after the abortion had happened, and ‘issues with infection prevention and control’,” the SPUC adds.

These findings would certainly have an impact on Ireland’s upcoming referendum which will bring voters to the polls on May 25 to determine whether or not to overturn the country’s abortion ban – if only the press would report in it. Thus far, it’s received scant coverage which is why polls are running 47 percent in favor of repeal with 32 percent wanting the ban to remain.

Cases such as Chithira’s prove that women need to get beyond the “my body, my choice” and other catchy slogans to see the abortion industry for what it is – a network of subpar medical clinics that subject women to inferior health care under the guise of “women’s reproductive rights.”

As Dr Anthony McCarthy of SPUC said, “The tragic death of Aisha Chithira thanks to Marie Stopes highlights the low ethical standards of the abortion industry and their contempt not just for unborn children but for the women in crisis whom they betray.”

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