Reader Disturbed by God Calling

Many people say they were inspired by the book, God Calling, which was written by two “listeners” who were using automatic writing to obtain messages that allegedly came from God; however, not everyone was impressed, such as this reader who said she found the content to be quite disturbing.

PB writes: “Thank you for posting the comments on the book ‘God Calling.’ I have a copy – I don’t even remember where I got it – but I’ve read a bit here and there. The book does NOT bear witness with my spirit. I couldn’t quite identify what is was. I just knew the book was “off.” I would pick it up and put it down…just not quite sure . . . my disquiet led me to look up A.J. Russell which led me to your comments. So thank you for stating the facts.”

Click here to read more about the controversy surrounding God Calling. 

You may also be interested in learning why many people are turned off by Jesus Calling, the mega-bestseller which was written by a woman who was inspired by God Calling and wanted the same “gift.” This blog explains the issues surrounding the controversy and this blog reveals how the publisher chose to hide the facts about the origins of Jesus Calling in later editions.

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