Planned Parenthood Launches New “Social Change Initiative”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is preparing to launch a nationwide “social change initiative” that will instruct parents and caregivers on how to teach children about sexuality in order to end the “stigma and shame about sex” in American culture.

CNS News is reporting that the new program, entitled “Real Life. Real Talk” is based on the concept that speaking openly about sexuality to children will reduce the shame and stigma attached to sex, thereby reducing the reducing barriers to sexual and reproductive health services. Planned Parenthood claims that eliminating these barriers will reduce the rates of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and unintended pregnancies.

Geared toward parents of children aged 8 to 18, the program began in 2004 as a pilot program in four states – Maine, New York, Connecticut and Arizona. Parents were given Planned Parenthood’s guide to “Sex Ed for Parents, Real Life. Real Talk” at events held in schools, churches, libraries and social services facilities.  

In one section of the guide, parents are told that children are never too young to learn about sex.  “A child’s sexuality, sexual feelings, and sexual attitudes develop from the moment of birth – even before a child can speak. In fact, children start learning about sexuality through observation of family interaction and surroundings. When you don’t talk with your children about sexuality, you may give them the message that there is something wrong with sexuality and that it is not a topic you’re willing to discuss.”

It goes on to advise: “You can begin teaching your young child the basics of sexuality — anatomy, reproduction, sexual orientation, personal safety, feelings, relationships . . .”

Among the topics teens should be told about are masturbation and oral sex. Parents are also advised to “take your teen to a clinic for contraception and exams, or let your teen know where to go for help to prepare to be sexually active.”

Funding from donors, private groups and The Ford Foundation will now allow the nation’s largest abortion provider to launch the program on a national level. It will be marketed through TV public service announcements, print ads, radio, posters, bus shelters and other promotional materials such as T-shirts.

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