Follow Me

July 6

“Follow Me.” Two simple words with such strong meaning.

I remember once hearing the statement, “God doesn’t ask for our opinion. He asks for obedience.” It was something that stuck with me for a long time and mostly because obedience isn’t my strong suit. Today in the Gospel, Jesus tells Matthew to “follow” Him; He doesn’t suggest it, He doesn’t ask him what he thinks. Rather, He commands it.

During mass today, the priest was differentiating between those who acknowledge their sins yet refuse to change and those who proclaim their sins and indeed amend their lives.

On this feast day of St. Maria Goretti, let’s call to mind her diligence and desire to indeed follow God, even knowing it would cost her her life. What courage and faith to exhibit at such a young age.

God calls each of us to follow and obey Him, to die to ourselves and trust in His promises.
How is God calling you to obey and follow Him? What is holding you back?

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