JP II Beatification Could Come This Year

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Reports are surfacing in the Italian media that medical advisers for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints have ruled favorably on a miracle attributed to Pope John Paul II’s intercession, which could open the door to beatification as early as this year.

CNA is reporting that in the January 4 edition of the Italian newspaper, Il Giornale, Vatican expert, Andrea Tornielli reports that the miracle has passed muster with medical experts as well as with theologians.

The case involves the healing of Sr. Marie Simon-Pierre, a French religious who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Parkinson’s disease in 2001. Her order began to pray to John Paul II after his death. Sr. Marie claims that in 2005, she was suddenly healed of the disease and was able to resume her normal duties as a maternity nurse.

There were reports that Sr. Marie had become ill again, and at least one physician questioned her original diagnosis, but the most recent decision of the medical advisers suggests these questions have all been resolved.

If this is the case, the cause for beatification can now advance to the next stage, which involves a vote by the bishops heading the congregation, which is expected to take place within the next few weeks. Should the vote favor beatification, Pope John Paul II could be declared Blessed as early as April 2, 2011 – the sixth anniversary of his death. Other dates could be his birthday on May 18, or the anniversary of his papal election on October 16.

However, most Vatican watchers agree that this beatification will draw thousands to Rome and would require much advance planning, making the prospect of beatification in 2012 more plausible.

Pope John Paul II was declared “venerable” in December 2009. If he is beatified, another recognized miracle would be required before he could be declared a saint.

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