Apple Rejects Revised Manhattan Declaration App

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The authors of the Manhattan Declaration (MD) are putting out a call to all supporters to voice their opposition to Apple after it rejected a revised version of their app, calling it “objectionable and potentially harmful to others.”

MD authors Chuck Colson, Robert George and Timothy George, sent out an urgent e-mail today to thousands of signatories of the 4,700 word document informing them that Apple has rejected the streamlined version of the original app which was pulled in November after gay activists accused it of promoting homophobia. 

In a letter dated December 22, Apple officials said the revised app contains “references or commentary about a religious, cultural or ethnic group that are defamatory, offensive, mean-spirited or likely to expose the targeted group to harm or violence will be rejected.  We have evaluated the content of this application and consider its contents to be objectionable and potentially harmful to others.”

This ruling could have grave implications because the document is nothing more than a call for Christians to adhere to the teachings of their faith concerning the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and religious liberty.

“What this means is that the teachings of the Bible itself are offensive, even dangerous,” writes Colson, et al.

“We have to persevere until Apple relents.  If we don’t, it will mean that merely citing Scripture on some key moral issues is grounds for removal of apps and the limitation of speech entailed by that.  This app is no more objectionable than any other app that includes the Bible or the Quran, or other religious texts that speak to moral issues.  The result of this decision will be chilling to all faith groups.”

They are asking supporters to contact Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to protest the ruling by calling 408-996-1010 or emailing

Colson surmises that Apple is hoping this issue will go away in a few days. “Your job and ours is to make sure this doesn’t happen.”

The Manhattan Declaration can be signed by visiting

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