Discovery of Fetal Remains Found on Abortionist’s Property Sparks Outrage

The discovery of more than 2,200 preserved fetal remains on the property of the late abortionist Dr. Ulrich George Klopfer has shocked the nation and caused pro-life leaders to demand answers to why these babies were preserved, if their mothers knew that their babies’ remains would be treated like this, and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

According to the Daily Caller, family members discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains on the Illinois property of Dr. Klopfer, who passed away on September 3. An attorney representing the doctor notified the Will County, Illinois Coroner’s Office on Thursday to request that the remains be removed.

“Will County Sheriff’s Detectives, Crime Scene Investigators and representatives from the Will County Coroner’s Office arrived at an address in unincorporated Will County,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. “Personnel were directed to an area of the property where 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains were located. The Will County Coroner’s Office took possession of the remains.”

They added: “There is no evidence that any medical procedures were conducted at the property.”

Dr. Klopfer previously ran abortion clinics in Fort Wayne, Gary and South Bend, Indiana and was known as being the state’s move prolific abortionist for having killed more than 30,000 babies.

In 2016, the Indiana Medical Licensing Board suspended his license for six months for failing to exercise reasonable care and violating several notice and documentation requirements.

According to the Journal Gazette, during the hearing Klopfer spoke about performing an abortion on a 10-year-old girl who was raped by her uncle. Instead of reporting the abuse, he let the child go home to her parents who knew of the rape and refused to prosecute.

Board members were also appalled to learn that Klopfer did not give pain medication to most of the women who came to him for abortions, only giving it to girls under the age of 16 and to those women who were willing to pay extra for it.

Board member Rebecca Moredock-Mueller described Klopfer as having a nonchalant attitude and lacked sound medical judgment.

“The thing that bothered me most was his professional incompetence,” she said. He appeared to have been using the same abortion and sedation procedures that were prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s.”

Although he stopped performing abortions in 2015, it is inconceivable how a man with his reputation was able to continue practicing for so long.

Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter, speaking at a press conference on the discovery of the remains, is demanding answers from the authorities, including whether or not the remains found on Klopfer’s Illinois property had any connection to abortions performed in Indiana clinics.

“This discovery opens a flood of questions that must be answered,” Fichter  said. “Why were these babies preserved? When and where did these babies die? Did the mothers of these babies know their remains were going to be preserved? Are there other properties owned by Dr. Klopfer where fetal remains may still be found? Were these babies being preserved in order to be sold to universities or research facilities?”

Equally important is learning what other staff were involved in this preservation and who transported the remains to Klopfer’s home. Are other Indiana abortion doctors doing the same thing?

“How do we make sure this never happens again in Indiana?” Fichter added. “These are just a few of the questions we are raising, and each of them deserves an answer.”

His organization is calling upon state and federal officials to launch detailed investigations into the discovery of the remains and to take whatever action is necessary as a result of the investigations.

“We cannot just shake our heads at the horror of this discovery, and then walk away,” he said. “The time for investigation is now.”

At least some authorities are paying attention. U.S. Representative Jackie Walorski (R-IN) issued a statement saying: “Every human life is precious, and every woman and baby deserves care and respect. This tragic case shows why abortion providers must be held to strict guidelines and face rigorous oversight. I will be looking into federal legislation to ensure the remains of aborted babies are always treated with dignity, including in the case of chemical abortions.”

Meanwhile, Jackie Appleman, St. Joseph County Right to Life Executive Director is promising to work with authorities to ensure that the remains are given the proper burial.

“Indiana recently passed a law that fetal remains need to be given proper burial or cremated,” said Jackie Appleman Executive Director with Saint Joseph County Right to Life. “Thousands of women are impacted by what Klopfer did to them…He has their children in his garage and so I want to offer a note of hope and healing.”

Let us keep the souls of these dear children, their mothers, and the deceased abortionist responsible for this tragedy, in our prayers.

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