Mary Immaculate

December 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

Mary Immaculate
“Pure as the snow,” we say. Ah! never flake
Fell through the air
One-tenth as fair
As Mary’s soul was made for Christ’s dear sake.
Virgin Immaculate,
The whitest whiteness of the Alpine snows,
Beside thy stainless spirit, dusky grows.

“Pure as the stars.” Ah! never lovely night
Wore in its diadem
So pure a gem
As that which fills the ages with its light.
Virgin Immaculate,
The peerless splendors of they soul by far
Outshine the glow of heaven’s serenest star.

-Eleanor C. Donnelly


For Reflection

Dear Mother,
You were kept free from the stain of original sin so the Word of God could make His abode in you.
Today, on this feast which celebrates your Immaculate Conception, I ask you to obtain for me the grace I need to resist sin and to live for Christ alone (NAME THE SIN MOST DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO RESIST AND ANY OTHER FAILING OF WHICH YOU ARE AWARE).
Be the mother of my soul, Mary. Nurture me in your tender heart. Take my hand and lead me to your Son. Amen.

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