From Death to Life: Testimony of Former New Ager

We received the following testimony from a Wacky Wednesday listener.

I felt moved to reach out as I think it’d be great to share the dangers of new age practices (love your Wacky Wednesday show) and perhaps motivate our younger generation(s) to come home to Christ via a relatable experience.

I was born to a Roman Catholic family, but never went to church growing up. I was baptized at my father‘s wedding when I was eight years old and, besides my catechism classes required for first holy communion and confirmation, never received any proper catechesis. Two days after graduating high school, I departed for Marine Corps recruit training and as a recruit, was the one leading my platoon in prayer. (I’ve always been very spiritual and dedicated much time in high school to studying all of the world religions, especially Judaism.)

In my mid-20s I slowly delved into new age practices, eventually becoming very well read and versed in all that encompassed this belief system. I continued my study of world religions and practices and eventually became a sought after and well-versed medium, tarot card reader, Akashic records reader, numerologist and a go to expert for those seeking remedies (crystals, herbology, astrology, witchery, and the like). I was involved in a coven and attended many journeying sessions, drumming circles, and past life, reiki, chakra balancing, yoga & past life regression therapy sessions.

During the pandemic, an acquaintance/fellow medium, who focused her guidance to clients in regards to twin flames had a conversion to Christ.  Steven Bancarz, a fellow New Ager also shared his “New Age to Christ” testimony on YouTube and I took this to be a sign for me, as the Holy Spirit, during this time, was also stirring in me a desire to leave all that behind. Initially, I believed many Protestant/evangelical arguments and through my research (I LOVE research) ended up back home in the Catholic faith.

When I was deep in new age practices, my life was tumultuous, and I can attest that this is a deception of Satan to deter the flock away from Christ and His true church, besides a great money making scheme for the producers of new age items and services.

I’m now a Catechist and dedicate much time to studying apologetics and growing in the faith.

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