Her warmth and great affection

May 21

“Mary became all to all; to all she offers the bosom of her mercy, that all may receive of it: the slave, his redemption, the infirm, health; the afflicted, comfort; the sinner, pardon; and God, glory – that there should be no one who would not feel her warmth and great affection.”

-St. Bernardine of Siena

Today’s Reflection

What do you think it means that Mary “became all to all?” Ponder the phrase “bosom of her mercy.” What images or sentiments does it provoke within you? Why do you think St. Bernardine of Siena uses this descriptive of Mary’s love? According to the descriptions given here, which most describes the way in which Mary has offered you “the bosom of her mercy?” To whom can you offer the “bosom” of your mercy today?

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