May I do everything for the sake of Thee

July 2


Lord Jesus, may I know myself and know Thee.

And desire nothing save only Thee.

May I hate myself and love Thee.

May I do everything for the sake of Thee.

May I humble myself and exalt Thee.

May I think of nothing except Thee.

May I die to myself and live in Thee.

May I receive whatever happens as from Thee.

May I banish self and follow Thee.

And ever desire to follow Thee.

May I fly from myself and fly to Thee,

That I may deserve to be defended by Thee.

May I fear for myself and fear Thee.

And be among those who are chosen by Thee.

May I distrust myself and trust in Thee.

May I be willing to obey on account of Thee.

May I cling to nothing but to Thee.

May I be poor for the sake of Thee.

Look upon me that I may love Thee.

Call me that I may see Thee.

And ever and ever enjoy Thee.


-St. Augustine

Today’s Reflection:

Pray for the grace to say “yes” to all that is in this prayer.

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