Testimonial: Women found belonging and purpose through Women of Grace study program

“By the grace of God, we completed our fourth year of offering Women of Grace Foundational Study in Indiana. This year was marked by many blessings, as well as many challenges for the participants and facilitators.

Sadly, some of the participants had family members pass away, illness, and hospitalizations, and in the midst of it all, three new babies were born. We are certain that everyone persevered due to the prayers we offered for each other. We became a very close-knit group. Many of the women stated that what they have learned through Women of Grace prepared them to face the loss of a loved one and they knew they had a group of women walking and praying with them.

Women of Grace has impacted all these women in different ways. One woman shared that she always felt like an outcast due to her marital status and it was a different experience as she was welcomed to participate and now is working on seeking an annulment. Her biggest wish is to be able to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist. Another woman shared with us that she was always searching for a group or a place where she could learn more about God she searched and for one reason or another was not able to find such a group, and then she heard about Women of Grace and decided to participate. She knows this is exactly what she was looking for. She was thirsty for God and she found Him.

Many of the women were touched by the chapter on forgiveness. Taking what they learned and putting it into practice, some reached out and asked for forgiveness from those they had wronged or forgave those who had harmed them. They have also shared that they have gotten to know themselves and have a better understanding and opinion of themselves. They know they have a purpose as women. God has a mission for them. The women have also put some of the teachings into practice in their own family.

Some say it was challenging and at times felt like giving up but by the grace of God and prayers from the other women, they persevered.  It is amazing and a blessing to see them flourish by the grace and with the grace from God along with our blessed Mother.  God has truly and abundantly blessed all of us through Women of Grace.”

-Claudia R


The Women of Grace® Study Program leads women on an exciting journey to discover the gift of authentic femininity, holiness of life, and woman’s purpose and mission in the world today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as their exemplar and Spiritual Mother, participants grow in the feminine virtues and the secrets of true fulfillment. Learn more about the study program and find a study near you!


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