Poll: Parents Want Drastic Changes in Public Schools

A new poll has found that a vast majority of parents are dissatisfied with the state of education in the United States and are demanding change in everything from the role of the Department of Education to gender ideology.

Parents Defending Education (PDE) polled 1,000 parents with children 18 years old or younger and found that an overwhelming number of parents, regardless of their race or political views, want schools to get back to basics.

“These results highlight that parents are dissatisfied with a number of elements of the modern American education system – and that there is broad-based consensus that it’s time for schools to get back to basics,” says PDE president, Nicole Neily. “For far too long, federal bureaucrats have sacrificed the needs of students and families in order to appease unions’ and activists’ insatiable demands for money and power. January 20th can’t come soon enough.”

Some of the polls key findings include:

  • Ninety percent of parents agree that focusing on core subject areas, such as math, reading, writing, science and social studies, would improve the quality of public education. This included Republicans (92%), Independents (88%) and Democrats (91%). A whopping 100 percent of Asian parents agreed, followed by 95 percent of Hispanic parents, 91 percent of black parents, and 87 percent of white parents.
  • A majority of parents (52%) are in support of reducing the size and influence of the U.S. Department of Education, and 77 percent want the Department to allow states to have more flexibility in how they run their schools. Half of the respondents believe the Department is not using resources to advance education in an appropriate manner.
  • Very few parents (21%) believe K-12 schools are doing a good job addressing and preventing antisemitism.
  • Parents are also opposed to factoring in a student’s race when deciding how to discipline them for an offense, with 77 percent of black parents saying they disagree with the practice.
  • When it comes to gender identity, parents are overwhelming opposed (75%) to school personnel withholding information about a child’s gender identity from parents. While only 58 percent of Democrats said they oppose this practice, 88 percent of Republicans and 72 percent of Independents say they are against this practice. This number includes a score of 69 percent or higher for all races – white, black, Asian, and Hispanic.
  • Equally high is the number of parents (78%) who oppose allowing biological males who identify as females, being allowed to participate on girls’ sports teams.
  • Seventy-seven percent of parents oppose biological males, who identify as females, being allowed to use female bathrooms and locker rooms and vice versa. Of all respondents, only Democrats scored less that 75 percent (58%) of those opposing boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. All races oppose this practice in overwhelming numbers of 71 percent or higher.

“This poll shows overwhelming opposition to school personnel withholding information from parents about their child’s gender identity at school,” said Erika Sanzi, Director of Outreach at Parents Defending Education. “This matters because the policies propagated by activist groups, the National School Boards Association and teachers’ unions all allow for —and often require—the deliberate deception of parents by school staff if that is what the minor child wants.”

She added: “It’s refreshing to see even more confirmation that people think this ubiquitous trend of facilitating gender transitions behind the backs of parents is complete madness and needs to stop.”

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