Spirit Daughter and the Occult

CB asks: “What can you tell me about Spirit Daughter? It was mentioned in an article about Kerry Washington’s birthday party. Is this some kind of New Age movement?”

Spirit Daughter is a kind of wellness brand that combines astrology and various spiritualities which means it’s very much connected to the New Age and the occult.

As our reader mentioned, the founder of Spirit Daughter, Jill Wintersteen, attended a party hosted by actress Jessica Alba for fellow-actress Kerry Washington during which she guided the ladies in her program for self-discovery.

As she describes on her website, Wintersteen describes herself as a spiritual teacher who is proficient in yoga, meditation, and astrology. She originally set out to study neuroscience due to her interest in the study of consciousness; however, while studying at John Hopkins, she realized this wasn’t the right path and took advantage of an opportunity to move to Venice Beach, California and study Chinese medicine.

She adjusted to this life change by practicing alignment-based yoga, Chinese medicine and astrology. It was during this time that she developed a variety of tools for healing and helping people to better understand themselves. After working privately with clients, she decided to offer her wares to a larger audience.

Wintersteen claims to have designed a program that answers the need for reliable information on astrological events and uses it to “empower people around the world to design their best possible lives using astrology and spirituality as a roadmap.”

One of the tools used to facilitate this process is what she describes as the “highly sought-after Moon Books” which are a kind of workbook that provides “guidance for understanding our relationship to cosmic cycles and how we can align with them to affect the change we’ve been seeking in our lives.”

These books are used in conjunction with various rituals, such as the New Moon Ritual which is meant to harness the “magic” of the moon and manifest one’s dreams. As Wintersteen writes in this article appearing in Spiritual Gangster, “Each month we have the opportunity to reset our energy and intentions as the Moon resets her cycle and starts a new one. It’s a great time to let go of beliefs that are no longer serving our highest potential and make space for new ideas to flourish into existence.”

New Moon Rituals are very occultic in nature. As she describes, a typical ritual
requires the person to use crystals or candles to designate a “safe space” before calling upon the four elements to “enhance your alignment with the cosmic energy” and raising your vibration. The person then closes their eyes and prays, “I am open to receiving my intuition and guidance in this New Moon practice.”

Other occult-based rituals created by Wintersteen include her “Magic Morning Ritual.” She claims to start the morning by meditating for 10-20 minutes while holding a favorite crystal, such as moonstone and rose quartz to “bring in the energetic support I need to start the day.”

Next, she pulls a “manifestation card”. The deck (which she sells for $52) consists of 52 cards which she believes brings guidance from the universe. They are separated into four sections – air, earth, fire, and water – with the belief that each element gives guidance on what energy is needed to help you manifest your intentions. She presents card pulling a way to “gain wisdom from my higher self. Card pulling makes me feel like the Universe is speaking through me.”

Next, she gives herself a spray from an auric spray in order “to set my energetic vibration for the day.” Auric sprays are meant to be sprayed in one’s “auric field” while they are thinking positive thoughts and letting go of negative energy.

Notice the heavy emphasis on “energy” in these practices as well as calling upon nebulous “powers” for guidance. All of these practices pose serious spiritual risks to participants and could open them up to direct influence from demonic entities.

I would avoid any association with Spirit Daughter.

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