The Trump administration took yet another step toward defunding US tax dollars being used to fund abortions by announcing the defunding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
According to Life News, Trump officials let the pro-abortion UN group know that they would be discontinuing 48 grants worth $377 million effective immediately. Funding can be restored but only if UNFPA ceases its promotion of abortion and population control.
Although the UNFPA was born during the “population explosion” fears in 1969, which they believed could lead to mass human starvation if not controlled, their response to today’s falling fertility rates is to claim that continuing their mission to control population is to achieve “sustainable development” in countries of the developing world. As a result, they have spent billions of taxpayer money on promoting abortion and birth control.
Even though the group claims they do not perform abortions, but only promote access to the procedure, their goals are the same.
As the USCCB states, “The old – and real – agenda remains unchanged: to liberate women from the shackles of children, husbands and their own biology by legalizing abortion worldwide. Even coerced sterilization and abortion for women who desire more than one or two children are accepted or tolerated as ‘necessary’ to achieve population reduction targets and workforce equality.”
As of today, they will no longer receive money from US taxpayers.
This move follows an earlier Executive Order issued on January 24 of this year which reinstated the Mexico City Policy which prohibits taxpayer funding to any international groups that promote and/or provide abortions overseas. This order directly affects the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) which estimates it stands to lose $100 million as a result of this move.
This is just the beginning of financial losses for Planned Parenthood. Shortly after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump on January 20, U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) joined U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and six of their Senate GOP colleagues in reintroducing the Defund Planned Parenthood Act. The legislation would ensure federal tax dollars aren’t going to organizations, like Planned Parenthood, to perform abortions.
As the bill states, “no Federal funds may be made available to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, or to any of its affiliates.”
This would be a substantial loss of income for the nation’s largest abortion provider. Between 2019-2021, Planned Parenthood performed 1.11 million abortions while receiving approximately $1.78 billion in federal funding, which averages $592 million per year.
Kristen Hawkins President of Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action, agrees.
“As long as taxpayers underwrite the nation’s largest abortion vendor, abortion is federal, says Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America. “In mandates and money, the federal government has acted with prejudice against pro-life people and for abortion. In a completely partisan way, Planned Parenthood also has worked to defeat Republicans to replace them with radical pro-abortion Democrats, who have ensured that the checks keep coming. America’s healthcare dollars should be invested in care that takes care of every patient, in and outside of the womb…”
Concerned Women of America CEO, Penny Nance, agrees. “Not a cent of taxpayer dollars should be going to Planned Parenthood. They don’t care about women’s healthcare; they care about making money. And they do it through the murder of innocent babies and preying on vulnerable, confused children. It’s long past time to end the abominable lie that Planned Parenthood needs federal funds in order to function. It’s time to prove that America is a nation that truly cares about women by defunding this organization that has taken advantage of them for decades.”
Let us pray that the stripping of these funds will result in preventing the loss of millions of precious lives both here at home, and across the globe.
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