Lady Gaga’s Satanic SNL Skit Sparks Backlash

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Anthony Quintano, CC BY 2.0

Lady Gaga’s shocking skit involving the invocation of demons on Saturday Night Live has sparked backlash from viewers who thought it was cringe-worthy and “not funny.” is reporting on response to the skit which featured a birthday party inside a Friendly’s diner where SNL actress Heidi Gardner played a girl named Jenny who lied about it being her birthday in order to get free cake. Lady Gaga, playing the part of a waitress named Daphne, wasn’t buying it. “You swear to all the gods in all the heavens that this day, the 8th of March, is your true birthday?” Daphne demands of Jenny. When Jenny still insists it’s her birthday, Daphne and the Friendly’s staff decide to punish her.

This is how Rolling Stone describes what happened next: “The Friendly’s staff, now dressed in red cloaks, then summoned the demonic Lamashtu, smeared blood on Jenny, and awakened Mola Ram, the leader of the cult from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. As in that film, Mola Ram sacrifices Jenny in a cage destined for the flames but not before ripping out her heart, which is then served — with ice cream on top — to her sundae-seeking friends.”

According to Britannica, Lamashtu was the most terrible of all female demons in an ancient Mesopotamia religion.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Sebas Montesinos, CC BY-SA 4.0

“She slew children and drank the blood of men and ate their flesh. The bearer of seven names, she was often described in incantations as the ‘seven witches.’ Lamashtu perpetrated a variety of evil deeds: she disturbed sleep and brought nightmares; she killed foliage and infested rivers and streams; she bound the muscles of men, caused pregnant women to miscarry, and brought disease and sickness.”

Turning a Friendly’s restaurant gathering into the scene of a bloody satanic ritual that ended with waitresses serving an ice cream sundae with a beating human heart on top was not exactly what the audience expected.

Nor did Friendly’s, a popular diner with more than 100 locations throughout the East Coast that is well-known for its family friendly atmosphere.

Even The Guardian reported that the skit “falls on the wrong side of goofy.”

Social media responses were even more critical.

“Parody devil worship is still devil worship. I won’t even watch this thing,” one user wrote.

“These people are sick,” another commented. “And they try to get us to laugh about it.”

A longtime viewer of SNL admitted: “I’ve been watching SNL for decades, but I had to turn the TV off!

Another user put it very succinctly. “Not funny at all.”

The entertainment industry is definitely in need of serious prayers. As one user warned, “Jesus will return, and when he does, he’s stopping by Hollywood.”

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