We received this testimony from a woman who reads our blog and wanted to help others who are involved in the New Age. What a powerful witness to the mercy of God!
I was brought up in London, UK in a devout Irish Catholic family. I was very religious but I ‘lost’ my faith when I went to university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was here that I was first introduced to yoga. In addition, I became a Marxist, feminist, agnostic alcoholic. After leaving university I married but was what I term: a ‘submarine Catholic’ – surfacing when I wanted; more for the social occasion than for the sacrament of baptism, or matrimony being celebrated.
Answering an advert in a paper regarding pain relief brought me into the world of Reiki. And this was to hasten my deep involvement with the New Age Occult for 15 years. I devoured books, spent thousands and thousands on courses, New Age paraphernalia and ‘self-development’. All leading to me being involved in Reiki, theta healing, yoga, acupuncture, energy psychology, bio-resonance, white magic, dowsing, mediumship, psychic counseling , past life regression therapy, Tarot, angel therapy, NLP, stage hypnosis, hypnotherapy [ the latter which actually originates from Indian mysticism and is magic according to Aleister Crowley renowned British satanist].
I developed a high-profile private therapy practice, seeing famous clients and gaining nationwide media attention. However three years ago at a pilgrimage to the RC National Shrine at Walsingham before Mass the priest did a talk on forgiveness. He asked us to ask forgiveness from Jesus for involvement in yoga, Reiki etc. Immediately I knew that I would never do these again. This was the Holy Spirit at work as I had planned on returning to yoga a few days later.
However I continued doing hypnotherapy and acupuncture as I wanted to help people overcome their addictions. So I tried to ‘Christianize’ hypnotherapy and NLP. Yet I felt that God no longer wanted me involved in these practices. And one thought , which was most definitely the work of the Holy Spirit and not spirit guides, was that I had not stopped my alcohol addiction through Reiki or hypnosis or any New Age therapy. I had called out to God one day and received an immediate answer. I stopped drinking immediately with no desire ever again for alcohol, no withdrawal. This is 7 years ago. I have never touched a drop nor been tempted, never been to AA or had counseling. All thanks to God because Jesus alone is the healer, the Divine Counselor.
As a therapist, I was never as busy as people imagined, so every day I went to evening Mass and Vespers at the Cathedral. One evening during the Salve Regina I had an inner locution. I heard Our Lady say to me, “Please do not do hypnotherapy.” It was the most beautiful, gentlest voice I have ever heard. Not begging, not demanding – but asking me. The choice was mine. I knew immediately without hesitation, without doubt what I was to do. As I left the cathedral I felt a peace and calm that I have never felt before in my life. And on my return home I shut down my business completely, burnt all my New Age Occult books, destroyed CDs and New Age Occult paraphernalia and cut all links with the New Age Occult world.
New Age is not of God. And if it is not of God it can only come from one other source – that being the great deceiver and father of lies. 2 Corinthians 11,”And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”
I will never, ever turn back. I have fully returned to my Catholic faith and to the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession. It is through these – the greatest gifts of mercy from God – that we are healed and made renewed.
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